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Climbing on Power Pole


I am a development & regulatory economist with 7 years of experience advising on challenging energy and infrastructure challenges. My analysis has been delivered to clients including development banks, government ministries, electric utilities and an asset manager.


My specialty lies in using empirical methods to enable PPP transactions, electricity tariff reviews, economic and financial viability assessments and subsidy quantifications+. I have expertise in capacity building by delivering training sessions to diverse audiences in challenging settings.


I have served as an expert on development projects covering 40+ OECD and developing countries, spanning Europe, North America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and South Asia.

I am available as an expert for project execution work & to deliver proposal methodologies for high technical scores.

Applied economic analysis

  • Cost-benefit analysis for PPP transaction, West-Africa

  • Survey data analysis to form policy recommendations, Caribbean 

  • Macroeconomic estimation to quantify macroeconomic credit risks facing private companies, regional

Electricity Regulatory & subsidy work

  • Design and execution of power sector financial model to inform tariff setting period, East Africa 

  • Review of tariff regulation to form recommendations for social electricity tariff design, Caribbean

  • Design and execution of novel methodology to quantify fossil fuel subsidies, global

Expertise & project experience highlights:

Financial modelling

  • Value-for-Money analysis for PPP transaction, West-Africa

  • Financial viability assessment of electric utilities, regional developing

  • Economic and financial due diligence  to form valuation for investments in electric utility and solar company, North America and Europe

Capacity building

I have a passion for successfully transferring complex technical knowledge to diverse non-expert audiences across developing and OECD countries:

  • Economic and financial training session for electric utilities, East Africa

  • Power sector modelling training session for energy ministry and energy service providers, East Africa.

  • Economic impact analysis training session for CPCS, Canada. 

Contact me to discuss your project or proposal




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